How do I stop purchase requisition for stock material
replinishments (MRP) from going through a release strategy?
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Answer / punnareddy
in material master basic data1 X-plant material stauts we can select block for purchasing.automatically blocked
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It can only be done at document type level, we have this in spro. We need to maintain document type to be used while creating PR or PO SAP should determine what doc type should it consider automatically. We can create a new doc type and assign in SPRO under Nodes consumption based planning...
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Answer / venu
Change mrp type PD (MRP not relevant )so when we run mrp pr will not create
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Answer / shriya
Keep a deletion flag at Palnt level in Purchasing and when
ever you try to run the MRP for this material you will get
a message saying that this material has been blocked or
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Answer / jayprakash
Block material for purchasing that is you have to flag at Palnt level in Purchasing and when
ever you try to run the MRP for this material you will get
a message saying that this material has been blocked for procurement
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