What is Consolidation route and delivery routes?
How to define Logon groups? And what is Logon load
What is Transport domain and Domain controller?
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Answer / accenture
Transport Domain -
all sap systems that you plan to manage centrally in TMS
form a transport domain. this transport domain may contain
several system landscape (region specific
ex-india,usa)/transport groups who shares their common
transport directory.
the system who hold the configuration/administrative part
with TMS is call as domain controller. and other systems
hold the copy of this configuration from the domain controller.
consolidation route defines a route from the integration
(DEV) system to Consolidation (QAS/PRD)system. it is a route
defined to a consolidate system. integration system means
where the customer changes has been integrated with the
standard software (DEV) and consolidate system is next to
the dev system. standard Transport Layer and sap transport
layer are assigned to this consolidate route.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 20 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / johnson
The route which is create between DEV and QAS is
Consolidation route and the route that which is created
between QAS to PRD is Delivery route. The reason It is
called consolidation is its the base we do every thing
through DEV the meaning of Consolidation is manage every
thing fron certain point(centralized).
Load distribution allows you to dynamically distribute the
SAP users to application server instances. You can increase
the efficiency of individual work groups by setting up
multiple logon workgroups that consist of one or more
application instances.You can assign one or more
application servers to certain workgroups or specific
applications. When users log on to the system, they are
automatically logged on to the server that currently has
the best performance statistics and/or the fewest users.
Workgroups are configured and maintained centrally from in
the SAP system. Each application server group is assigned
maximum thresholds for response time and number of users
that can log on to any particular group server. You can
assign particularly important workgroups with time-critical
transactions to application servers with better response
time behavior. Setting up logon groups means that the
activities of each server become more predictable, which
allows you to tune each specific server with respect to the
working applications.
To log on to an SAP system, the user needs to know only the
name of the SAP system and the logon group. The host name
and system numbers are no longer needed when you have
logged on.
transport domain controller acts as a leader to all the
systems connected in the landscape means all admin and
configuration settings can be done through TDC .
Transport domain: All sytems taken part of TMS including
TDC is called as Transort domain.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / jeevagan
Transport Domain :
The SAP systems, which added with TMS (
Transport Management System)
Domain Controller :
In the TMS , the one SAP system will be the
controller for Transport Domain.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 1 No |
consolidation route :
consolidation route is defined between the development
sytem ( consolidated system ) and the quality system
(integration system )
Delivery route :
Delivery route is the transport route that connects the
integration system and the Delivery system ( Production
system )
Defining Logon Groups :
we can do this though our GUI and allways make sure that
saplogon.ini is backed up , that consists of all the logon
Logon Load balancing :
It is used to identify the least loaded application server
Domain controller :
it is the central admin of the system
transport domain :
it is the place the transport layer and routes can be
configured to access this transaction use stms
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 10 No |
Answer / k sathishreddy
In the landscape after releasing a request from your
development server is where going to consolidate(target
system) is called consolidate route.This is generally
quality server.
After consolidate server this request is import into
production or delivery system.so route between quality and
production server is called delivery route.
Through transaction SUGR we can create group.
when ever load on application server is increased you need
to add one more aplication server reducing the load.
What ever the installed systems in the landscape is called
domain.In the landscape for configurin the TMS you need to
configure one system as a domain controller.Domain
controller nothing but which is having configuration copies
of other systems.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 9 No |
Answer / r.rangaswamy
please help me in getting answers this answer to these
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