What is Consolidation route and delivery routes?
How to define Logon groups? And what is Logon load
What is Transport domain and Domain controller?
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what is netweaver
What is a support package?
Explain what is the purpose of tdevc ?
What are the types of transport queries?
if i want to limit the condition record validity for forst 10 orders how can i do tht plz ans i hve interview in 2/3 days
How would you troubleshoot the 'system seems slow'?
What are saplpd and tcp/ip print server and purpose? And difference b/w saplpd and tcp/ip print server?
What are the different modules of SAP?
Explain reference and service user in sap. What are their uses?
How to identify a particular T_Code has been modified or not? If yes, how to identify who modified particular T_Code in current system?
How do you check the users logs in your system and how many sessions each user is generating?
list some common errors faced with jspm while updating java stcks.and solutions.
How client refresh is different than client copy?
Example you have 6 sap application servers, I want to monitor all the application servers. How to configure a CCMS?
Screenshot document for solution manager installation.