what are the 16 fields in pricing procedure.
what is rebate agreement.
what is condition class.
what is calculation type.
what are effects of PGI.
what is third party processing and what are the pre-
what is the sales process.
what are the organizational units of sales and distribution.
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Answer / manoj kumar guin
Effects of PGI
1. The system updates the stock quantity.
2. The system automatically updates posting to the G/L accounts.
3.THE SYSTEM ALSO update the requirements in the stock
requirement list.
4.The system updates the status of the previous documents.
5. Inventory account will be credited and cost of goods sold
will be debited.
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Answer / manoj kumar guin
Please ask 1 question at a time .
16 fields :
step,counter,condition type,description, from, to,manual,mandatory,statistical,print,subtotal,requirement,alternative condition base value, alternative calculation type, account key and accruals.
But you have to understand the functionality of all these 16 fields.
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Answer / manoj kumar guin
What is sales process ?
I will give an example ,then you can easily understand.
Suppose one customer call to a company and inquired regarding a material which he wants to buy. so after his call company will create a inquiry document and in that all the details will be available like customer name,prices and etc.. and company will send a quotation to him, the if he wants to buy the products then only company will create a sales order to him and accordingly material will delivered to him and Invoicing will be done.
There are different sales process with which actually company does the business.
Another example, if one company gives credit to its customer so he can implement credit sales process through sap. Also if company is not producing a material and it is procuring materials from external sources then this can be configured by Third-party order process.
If company is having its own store and shops and does the sailing then it can be implemented by the cash sales process.
Suppose company gives material to customer as trial basis or as sales promotion and it can be implemented as consignment process.
And suppose customer wants to return the material which he purchased it can be called as return sales processs.
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Answer / prasad p
Pricing Procedure has the following 16 fields,they are
step,counter,Condition type, Description,From,
Alternative calculation Type, Base type Calculation, Account
Key & Accruals.
Rebate Agreement - It is a Agreement which is signed b/w the
company and the customer.(ie- for discount and rebate related)
Effects of PGI:
- After PGI, the Delivery doc is complete and the stock is
physically ready for the customer.
- The data gets transferred to FICO for automatic invoice
- The stocks gets reduced in the plant and storage location.
Third party processing:
Pre-requisites to be maintained in TPT :
-Purchasing Organization and purchasing group sold be
Third party Processing:
When a Customer places an order for a material and the
material is not available in the company, the company places
an order to a third party vendor and the vendor deliveries
the material to the customer.
Transaction skeleton: Customer- Company;Company-third
part;third party- customer.
Sales Process Skeleton:
IN-QT-OR-Delivery note- billing.
IN,QT & OR are sales docs
Delivery note is Delivery doc
Billing is Billing doc.
Organizational units for SD:
Sales Org, Distribution channel, Division.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
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