what are the 16 fields in pricing procedure.
what is rebate agreement.
what is condition class.
what is calculation type.
what are effects of PGI.
what is third party processing and what are the pre-
what is the sales process.
what are the organizational units of sales and distribution.

Answer Posted / prasad p

Pricing Procedure has the following 16 fields,they are
step,counter,Condition type, Description,From,
Alternative calculation Type, Base type Calculation, Account
Key & Accruals.

Rebate Agreement - It is a Agreement which is signed b/w the
company and the customer.(ie- for discount and rebate related)

Effects of PGI:
- After PGI, the Delivery doc is complete and the stock is
physically ready for the customer.
- The data gets transferred to FICO for automatic invoice
- The stocks gets reduced in the plant and storage location.

Third party processing:
Pre-requisites to be maintained in TPT :
-Purchasing Organization and purchasing group sold be

Third party Processing:
When a Customer places an order for a material and the
material is not available in the company, the company places
an order to a third party vendor and the vendor deliveries
the material to the customer.
Transaction skeleton: Customer- Company;Company-third
part;third party- customer.

Sales Process Skeleton:
IN-QT-OR-Delivery note- billing.

IN,QT & OR are sales docs
Delivery note is Delivery doc
Billing is Billing doc.

Organizational units for SD:
Sales Org, Distribution channel, Division.

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Hi Team, this question is related to 3rd party. customer is given order for 20 materials and vendor delivered to customer only 10 material . As per my knowledge vendor invoice will be for 10 material and customer invoice will be for 10 material but my question is how billing quantity will change in sales order against which we have need to create customer invoice for 10 material only. what configuration we need to do for update sales order quantity for order related billing for customer. how vendor will deliver rest 10 material to close this order? could you please share your input with screen shot. Thanks in Advance.


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