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Answer Posted / manoj kumar guin

What is sales process ?

I will give an example ,then you can easily understand.

Suppose one customer call to a company and inquired regarding a material which he wants to buy. so after his call company will create a inquiry document and in that all the details will be available like customer name,prices and etc.. and company will send a quotation to him, the if he wants to buy the products then only company will create a sales order to him and accordingly material will delivered to him and Invoicing will be done.

There are different sales process with which actually company does the business.
Another example, if one company gives credit to its customer so he can implement credit sales process through sap. Also if company is not producing a material and it is procuring materials from external sources then this can be configured by Third-party order process.

If company is having its own store and shops and does the sailing then it can be implemented by the cash sales process.

Suppose company gives material to customer as trial basis or as sales promotion and it can be implemented as consignment process.

And suppose customer wants to return the material which he purchased it can be called as return sales processs.


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