please any one can tell me modifytable keyword used in DDIC?
what is a basic diffrence between modify table and update key
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Answer / nigesh
Update statement updates only the existing records if the
key matches.
Modify statement also acts like update statement, but in
addition to it if the primary key does not match then new
record will be inserted to database.
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Answer / sap
Modify statement acts like both modify and update, becos
modify statment changes the existing record and also
inserts the new records to the table.Where as the Update
statment only inserts the new records into the table.
Hope this is help full!
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Answer / anju
Modify statement insert one or more records in database
table.whereas update statement modify existing records of
data base.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / apoorv sharma
Both modifies DDIC table but the Difference btwn modify
table and update table is :
Suppose u write modify <DDIC Table > from <work area>
then it will modify the row with same primary key value as
that of work area. But if it donot find any row then it will
NOT insert the work area row in DDIC table,
update statement will insert a new row at last in DDIC Table.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 7 No |
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