Is logo in script 1st stored as tiff format before uploading
or in jpeg format?and where is that stored after uploading?
Define spool request?
Do you use select statement in loop end loop, how will be the performance? To improve the performance?
What are the different types of views and their definition?
Types of windows and Difference between them in Scripts
How is conversion of data types done between abap/4 & external level? : abap data dictionary
how to create module pool program using table controls based on selection criteria specified for sales document item in the first screen and item details in the second screen. plz mention the detail coding Tahnks, Rahul
In interactive reporting, suppose i go to N'th list from basic list(primary data) & i wanna come back directly to basic list. So how can i achieve this without using ESC or back button?? Is it possible using set screen 0??
Can we define our own match code id's for sap matchcodes ?
what is cardinality?how it works in ABAP?
What are conditional chain statement?
What are the different types of abap reports in sap?
please any one can give me the guidence to learn adobe forms& webdynpro technologies?and please provide links goodone to study material to learn? thanks