what is difference between (internal table types)standard
table and sorted table in sap abap....
what are Hana Basics
what are the problem we face during development( if we say v are in support(development)? what are the critical problems araises during LSMW updation and Smart form layout development for involce and po? very very important questions now a days commonly asking..plz plz reply me
how can be restore a project deleted in lsmw?
My internal table exceed the limit. then it goes to dump. how will u handle this issue?
List the events in abap/4 language?
How LSMW is advantageous than normal BDC?
Proxy Programming with ABAP - How to develop the Proxy identification through programming
What are two methods of modifying sap standard tables? : abap data dictionary
How to get the status of an IDOC in a report without using WE02 transaction ?
In the User exits how you can use sub screen and please tell me the steps
what is the difference between master, transactional and customised data
How can I trigger the outbound IDOC?