hi, these r the ques asked by tcs.. 1.what do sap hr consultants do in 5phases of asap methodology? how u did documentation? 2.Tables you come across in payroll process?n after copying wagetypes in which table they get stored?n table for indirect valuation? 3.wht r the steps u followed to create dynamic actions? wht r the dynamic actions u created? 4.how u do exemptions in indian payroll? 5.wht is igmod? wht is the use of it? 6.where u save payroll results? 7.how u do evaluation path? dont say the configuration path..say the process.. 8.wht configuration u did in OM in implementation? 9.wht r the steps to do hiring action? n on how many actions u have worked?how u configured all those things?
4700I Completed my graduation in 1995. And due to the family responsibilities I had to be with the family. As my aspiration towards the career I finished my MBA HR(IGNOU). Now I've joined SAP HR in order to pursue career in the same.Can I get a good break in SAP HR now? If so, How Can I get a start up in SAP HR? Is my long gap going to be literally a hurdle for my aspired career? How can I handle the situation now to get a bright career in SAP HR? Kindly, can guide me.
2 4356a merchant harvests 3000 bananas in a desert and have to sell it 3000km away in a market . he have a camel which can carry only 1000 of bananas and eats per banana for per kilometer even then the merchant yields profit how?
3 6330hi friends am kiran am mca 2009 passed out what is sap ? what is the future of sap ? how much salary for freshers in sap? and experiences people ? is sap best carrer to our future ? can we learn sap by our own in our home ? best websites to download free software and study material from basics ? please kindly provide the details of the course details and everything becuase am new to sap please send ur valuable suggestions to kiranpulsar2007@gmail.com
1 2998what is the meaning of concurrent employmemnt? when it is used? what is the parameter and infotypes have accrosed while working
1 15064Post New SAP HR (Human Resource Management) Questions
What is the payroll control record?
What is reference user group?
When do you perform off-cycle payroll?
Explain difference between cap and pcr ?
Integration between personnel administration & om?
What is personnel area and can we create multiple personnel areas?
How do you create primary wage types?
What is automatic Object Inheritance?
What is period parameter and modifier?
What is the purpose of using payroll control record?
What do you understand by mandatory activities?
What is time evaluation with clock times?
Explain the process of trasferring an applicant?
What is a Phase?
What is processing class?