What are the steps you would take to create the levels for different employee groups & sub groups.
655Post New SAP HR (Human Resource Management) Questions
How do u config om and pa?
What is personnel area?
An employee goes over the limit of leave quota. How would you make sure that leave accrual in future is reflected correctly?
What are the uses of controlling area?
what infotypes are used in travel management?
Why does sap provide different screens for various types of absences?
What is the use of structural authorization?
I need to ask you that while I am trying to book one person in training for a business event type, they are saying that this person is not available for the business event. Why is it so? But that I can book a user for the same business event type. What is the differense between user and person? Now in case if I book a person for the business event, how can I see whether that person is available for that date or not. Moreover how can I see that that person is on leave or not.
How can you define the default wage types for the basic pay infotype.
What is the transaction code to maintain the master data of an applicant?
what are the methods for transferring employee time data into sap system?
Can u tell me how to find the ugr of an country?
What is the use of the applicant actions infotype (4000)?
What is a wage type?
What is the use of training and event management?