SAP HR (Human Resource Management) Interview Questions
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what is accelerated sap?

2 6824

I practiced SAP HR on IDES 4.7 On my desktop, later now I moved to USA and now I connected my Hard drive to laptop using external hard drive device but now I'm unable to access SAP.I could see all the files, there is no problem with hard drive.Do anybody know what is the loophole, So that I can makes changes and practice it.I appreciate your help.

1 4605

what is public holiday type?explain with eg?

2 6795

Am running hiring action for two emp groups like sal emps & Permanent emps. Here i want to display 0016,0021 for salemps,and only 0016 for permanent emps. Please provide me how to configure?

1 7240

except personnel data where we can maintain emp name.suppose country is singapore, i want emp name display in singapore langue.where we configure this name of employee?

2 5231

Can we transport Adhoc querries from one client to another

2 4482

how to calculate petrol allowance wherein the allowance is calculated according to the rate and number, amount is to be automatically calculated by the system. please let me know the steps as well as the espective schema and pcr fo valuating the same. thanks

1 6543

while working as a Junior consultant(working under a senior consultant)Tell me a difficult situation you have faced and how you solved it? What documents you have referred and documents you have Updated?What was team member's and team leader's reactions to the situation and the way you solved it?



Have you faced any situation where you are working on one module and at the same time had to work on a different module. how did you cope with such a situation? Give me an example.(plse answer this question as if you are a junior consultant)

Accenture, Pepsi,


Tell me a situation where you have to handle huge amount of raw data in your implementation and how you handled it?

Accenture, NTT Data,


tell me a situation where you have faced a conflict in your team? who resolved the problem? If u did how did u do that? If Someone else did What was your reaction?



what are the common problems faced during go-live and how you solve them?


1 6915

while uploading data using LSMW How do you know that which fields are to be updated?


1 6260

Kindly explain DWS selection rule(DWS variants) with example?


1 11148

Explain what is 1st,2nd and 3rd level support in sap


1 12446

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At what level of the img. You can perform project documentation and status monitoring?


Tell me a situation where you have to handle huge amount of raw data in your implementation and how you handled it?


What is primary wage type?


what are the main administrators in standard assessment procedure hr?


Integration between personnel administration & om?


what do you see in the overview area of the organization and staffing interface?


How to Integration SAP R/3 to ESS, MSS Portal ? Please explain to me clear.


How do you create staff assignments?


What is a Project View?


What is an task and how do you assign?


what are the different time logic processes?


what is the personnel calculation rule (pcr)?


In supporting project, what are the Tickets generally we come across in payroll, personnel administration and Organizational management?


What is the use of the pactv feature?