I want to give discount on a particular item, if a specific item is purchased. i.e., for ex: if a TV set was purchased, and a DVD player also purchased by the customer, i want to give disount on the DVD player. How to set the price condition for this scenario.
8 13195In R/3,is it possible to substitute one product for another? If so, how it can be achieved?
4 12134Post New SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Questions
How do you determine the 'plant' in sales and distribution?
what is a distribution chain ?
What is open and close posting periods?
what is the partner process ?
A is your client; b is your client’s customer. B need x material, but x material is now out of stock, then you can solve this problem?
What are the main and sub modules in sap?
What is the function of Profit center in Material master and how will system react when it finds Profit center in MM/when it does not find Profit center in MM? Plz answer for both the scenarios?
What is availability check?
What are the different activities under consignment stock in sap sd?
what are the sales document types in sap? What is the configuration step to define sales document type in sap sd?
Hi Experts, Have you worked on IDOC’s? Can you list out important t-codes in IDOC’s and their brief explanation for what they are used for in general and specific t-codes which are useful for SAP SD Module? I have interview within 1-2 days? So, I request you to provide solutions to above question as early as possible? Your timely help would be greatly appreciated? Thanks in advance Regards
Who defines the account groups and give some tables in sap sd for customer master?
How to change chart of accounts of company code after making several sales orders and delivery?
There is an interface between sd and fi in invoicing. Can you think of another interface between sd and fi?
what is consignment stock process?