SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
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Default distribution channel we have only one distribution channel in our company. Can we default it in the transaction field that needs distribution channel data? How can we configure that?


How do you assign movement type?

1 1408

Can I view the invoice due date (jan 16, 2006) in the invoice?


What are the differences between invoice and billing doc?

1 2319

What is the business process of excise tax and how do you relate that in sap?


What is an option by which we can run all the sessions in a batch simultaneously?


Subtotals in pricing how do the subtotals that have carry over value kompkzwi1, komp-kzwi2, work with respect to condition types?


What is an outline agreement?


What is the use of condition supplement?

1 789

What is the difference between transaction data and master data?


How many sales document types?

1 2779

What is higher level item category? How it’s controlled?


Explain what is sql override for a source table in a mapping?


What is “characteristic”? How does the term characteristic relate to transaction code cto4?


What are the fields in pricing procedure in sap ?

1 1504

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Un-Answered Questions { SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) }

Is it possible to automate output processing? The answer should be yes but how??


What two ways of number assignment for documents or master data do you know? Explain the difference between them.


Intercompany sales I am working on intercompany sales. How do I create material in both company codes?


Hi, Can anyone proivde the soluiton for the below senirio, thanks in advance. We are providing test services to various sites of a corporate. Now, we want to bill as a single bill point i.e. Corporate office. Single bill for each site will be generated. E.g. Panac Labs, New Delhi Head Office Panac Labs, Mumbai Lab at Mumbai Panac Labs, Kolkata Lab at Kolkata Panac Labs, Indore Lab at Indore In above case, we are cattering services to all four locations. However, New Delhi is the Head office and Lab too. Hence we will issue four bills addressed to Panac Labs, New Delhi. Outstanding and debtors will be maintained on A/c of Panac Labs, Head office. We also want to maintain sub- ledger base on sites


Can the items in a billing document belong to different distribution channels?


Can you partially settle rebate accruals?


In back order process system follows backward scheduling or forward scheduling? please give ur valuable answers


Have you worked on interfaces? what are the?


What is cumulative condition record?


Explain the process flow for a standard sales order.


What is the docu.flow?


How can a customer can connect his SAP ECC system to his SAP CRM system


we have a situation where i am about to design one process where only maintainence is taken care of keeping the existing product +services process intact ...Do you know how do i proceed???? where this process is a VAT free


Can you share master data between several sales areas?


Sending invoice via email I have a requirement to send the invoice copy to the customer or agent that will be specified at the time of sending the invoice (it should not be configured before). How do I configure this and where do I set the indicators?