SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
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Explain the interfaces you have worked on?


How many pricing procedures you have configured in the system and what are their purposes?


How to have one pricing at sales order level and different pricing at invoice level? what are the configuration to be done for this?


Which type of aptitude question


can any one give one scenario of change request


How can one billing document type has 2 different number system? Basically if there are two documents belonging to same document type but for two different plants, then how come they both have different number system?


How do we control credit check in pricing?

1 1335

How does SAP get to know whether the material is available or not? how does it determine MAD? What exactly happens in sending TOR?


The quantity of Inquiry is 50 but the quotation created on it has 40 qty and the inquiry document is complete. How do we control it?

1 1393

i have one sold to party that sold to party have 1000 ship to party but if create order system should take always 80 number ship to party how can you do this?


In back order process system follows backward scheduling or forward scheduling? please give ur valuable answers


Do you know what’s availability check is?


Once you create a sales order, how do you confirm to the customer like I have the stock for ATP to check for the customer?


What about your experience with EDI idoc, can you elaborate a bit of what’s your experience working with EDI and IDoc?


In Order - what have you done exactly, did you do the entire setup in SAP, and if yes, can you walk me through it?


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Define the material taxes in ovk4, which will then be maintain in material master.


what are the organizational elements required for the sd transactions


In Order - what have you done exactly, did you do the entire setup in SAP, and if yes, can you walk me through it?


What is the procedure to know whether the customer is one-time or regular?


What is backorder processing? What are the two types of backordering processing?


Can you partially settle rebate accruals?


How is the shipping point determined?


What is the item category group? Where do you maintain it?


Which three organizational elements make up a sales area and briefly explain their function?


what is the role of sap sd fuational consultant in IDoc prepairtion,explan the IDoc process ( my email id help sd gurus


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Hi, I have advance payment scenario where customer want advance payment cannot be used against another sales order and against any credit limit. Let me put one example. Customer X is having credit limit of 1000 USD, if my client is received customized product order then he will take advance for this special order but customer X is already enjoying credit limit of 1000 USD. In this scenario my client wants advance payment received cannot use against any sales order and against any credit limit. If I will post advance payment in F-29 then customer credit exposure will decrease against credit limit in FD32 which will affect normal sales order credit limit. Here customer does not want to utilize advance payment against credit limit of customer which is use for normal sales order. Please suggest


If i want to configure the partner determination for sales manager and general manager, if the sales manager is business partner in sales order he should only give 5% discount and general manager should can give 10% discount. how could i configure this ??


What is the purpose of text determination, account determination, partner determination, output determination, storage location determination.


How do you integrate sd with mm, fico?