SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
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Are you familiar with the partner profile setup? I am sure when these EDI transactions must have been posted through SAP as idoc?


131. Are you familiar with billing output determination? Suppose if I’m creating an invoice, and I want to print out the output of the invoice, how would I do that? Are you familiar with any output that prints out SAP for that invoice so further delivery for example, in delivery you have backing slips delivery....


Can anyone walk me through the process of what happened when you do the post good issue in delivery? Moment type 601, let’s take that as an example, what happened in SAP? Suppose 601-moment type is posted in SAP, what happened when you do PGI (Post Goods Issue) as any account happens and if yes then what kind of account posting happens. please tell me, after PGI is completed what happens?


Could anyone explain to me how you were processing the 812 in SAP meaning how would you post your 812 credits? So, 850 creates orders in SAP, what about credit/debit - how do they post in the SAP?


Can anyone have any experience with the fashion version of it?


Is anyone familiar with allocation run – Tcode is Arun_ITA?


Can anyone please tell me what's above the pricing procedure, what are the field that determined specific pricing procure so pricing determination?


How does SD and MM integration…. Let’s say when I post a good issue when you do delivery confirmation but it’s nothing, what happened during PGI in the system?


PRICING…… I have a requirement where I have a fright condition which is a header condition for the whole document, I will be maintaining the fright condition recorder (header level) because it’s header condition, now the requirement is if I want to have 5 conditions to be calculated for each item because let’s say I have 5 line items, I want to see how the side calculated first of each item so what’s the best way to take out that out of the system in standard configuration, how can we achieve this?..... REPEATING question (I have a fright condition, now fright condition is a header condition, now my requirement is I wanted to applied that fright condition each line item level so fright condition applies a header level but my requirement is I want to see each and every line item should also get this fright condition on the value of the item, let’s say my fright is $100 so I have 5 line item, each item has the 10 10 10… so build on that value I want to purpurnate the fright condition, how can we achieve this from the standard system configuration stand point?


Do you know what is made to order scenario or make-to-stock scenario? SO, in the make-to-order scenario, what’s the integration touchpoint that you figure MRP? My question is when you have a make-to-order scenario, how does MRP will be figured? How system know that when you create a sale order whether the sale order is calling for make to order or make to the stock type of order, which data determined this is made to order make to stock…. The system should understand when I create an order, whether it’s made to order or make to stock, so which parameter which value that system will be determined based on that system will say okay this make to order so I need to I mean the system has to go to the next level then it’s going to the MRP all the subsequent planning will be taken taking place, what’s the parameter that we have to check?


What’s forward scheduling and backward scheduling activator? There’s a concept called forward scheduling and backward scheduling logic when you do an availability check whenever your order is created system will check whether it’s forward scheduling or backward scheduling, if it’s fatal we have a concept of how is it working, how is that you created as part of your available promise concept? Whatever that date is being considered as part of the logic, whatever the date that is configured or we maintain the data to say know that system tell to create this output back scheduling


Can anyone tell me please how is the availability check carried out, how is availability working out in your job business, how is the ATP (availability to promise) is configured?


Can anyone tell me please how can I go and introduce the discount condition type in the pricing procedure and how it’s going to impact with tax all the pricing getting to calculate in the order? For example, how specially I have a customer who I set out as an international customer and as a domestic customer what are the differences between that… is there tax is different, is there any fright different, is there any pricing different????


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1) GST slabs used for your client.? 2) procedure to configure GST ? 3)did u use any nil rated GST ? 4) how may GST are there ?

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Post New SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Questions

Un-Answered Questions { SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) }

What is partial delivery agreement?


Explain the 'sales organization.' How it is assigned to a 'plant'?


What is rush order?


What is alternative condition base value? Give an example?


What is the use of customer account group?


What is the function of Profit center in Material master and how will system react when it finds Profit center in MM/when it does not find Profit center in MM? Plz answer for both the scenarios?


How can a customer can connect his SAP ECC system to his SAP CRM system


In third party order processing what are the standard G/L A/c's to be posted in ME21?


how to configure Supply chain management


A Client wants to connect his SAP ECC system to his SAP CRM system. What do you want to do to enable the integration. a)Install the plug-in on the CRM system and connect to the R/3 adapter in the ECC system b)Install the XIF adapter on the CRM system and connect to the R/3 adapter in the ECC system c) Install the XIF adapter in the ECC system and connect to the R/3 adapter in the CRM system D)Install the plug-in on the ECC system and connect to the R/3 adapter in the CRM system


I have advance payment scenario where customer want advance payment cannot be used against another sales order and against any credit limit. Let me put one example. Customer X is having credit limit of 1000 USD, if my client is received customized product order then he will take advance for this special order but customer X is already enjoying credit limit of 1000 USD. In this scenario my client wants advance payment received cannot use against any sales order and against any credit limit. If I will post advance payment in F-29 then customer credit exposure will decrease against credit limit in FD32 which will affect normal sales order credit limit. Here customer does not want to utilize advance payment against credit limit of customer which is use for normal sales order. Please suggest


In vfo3 invoice date is showing before billing date invoice date is showing sep 25 but billing date is showing sep18th In wht case the Invoice date is before Billing date


What are incoterms? Where do we fix them? Where do you find in regular process?


Can you explain the modern technologies in sap? Do you use this in your current project?


We can define our own exchange rate types and use them instead of the defaulted types, ‘m’, ‘b’ and ‘g’. How can we overwrite default types in sd?