Is sap transportation management a module within sap erp or a stand-alone system? : transportation management
Can you assign two different sales organization to the same company code?
In Third Party sale process, I am getting an error- in MIRO(Error No. M8889-A/c 893010 has been set as not relevant for Tax, but when I want to change the Account Assignment in ME21 it is taking only G/L A/C 893010 and refusing all other G/L A/C's by giving 2 errors. They are ME045-G/L A/c 39010 cannot be used(please correct)and ME038-No direct posting can be made to G/L A/C 34000. Experts please share your knowledge to solve this problem. Warm Regards.
What is the purpose of the sales document type?
Explain the assignments among organizational units in sd
How to do customization of rebate processing in sap sd????
What is the use of the shipping process in sap sales and distribution? How do you define modes of transport?
At which levels in the sales document can you have different incompletion procedures?
Explain what copy control is and when copy control transition can be done? In what manner copy control transition can be done?
Diff between business sale cycle nd customer sale cycles?
i have one sold to party that sold to party have 1000 ship to party but if create order system should take always 80 number ship to party how can you do this?
What are the various sections of the 'customer master record'?
Sir, I'Ve interview with IBM . I want few SAP-SD real time tickets and its solution .Its urgent. Plz help me . thanks in Advance
Can anyone tell me please how is the availability check carried out, how is availability working out in your job business, how is the ATP (availability to promise) is configured?
What do you understand by intercompany customers and one-time customer?