SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
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1.can we generate our own customizing request number (ex-wsre255635).? 2.if any case we will possible to delete customizing request number?

1 3085

customer creditlimit is 1,00,000 and customer advance payment is 25,000 customer creditlimit is used 50,000 when i am trying to create one more sales order system will automatically block the transaction I


4 4808

How to create a sales order?What are the transaction to create a sales order?What are the prerequisite data to create a sales order ?

Third Party,

2 3317

How do we do pricing for a material ? How is the condition technique done ?I want to do my pricing based of sales orgn,distribution channel,division and material no , so how do I do that ?How do we get to know the fields, explain step wise?

Third Party,

2 3252

In pricing procedure what are the things we need to assign for creation of a sales order ? Suppose I have given a customer pricing procedure as ‘P’ in my pricing procedure,do I need to assign that ‘P’ anywhere else so that we can get accurate pricing for that customer ?


4 5148

What do you mean by Account Group ?What does Account Group Control ?

Third Party,

4 5392

At the time Customer fields are coming , how can we control those ,what are the obligatotory fields,what fields to suppress ? Before creation of account group what all prerequisite data required ?


1 2925

Do you know about Item Category ?Explain me about Item Category ?

Third Party,

3 4174

Do you know about shipping process ?How to create a delivery document?Explain in details.?What are the prerequisite data that we need before creating a delivery document ?

Third Party,

2 4120

Do you know about number range assignment ?What is the difference between external number range and internal number range ?


2 4615

How to create a billing document ?What is the transaction code?What is the transaction code for material posting ?

Third Party,

3 5365

What is the problem that you have faced till now ?And how do you overcome that ?Did you solve any problem of your own?

Third Party,

1 3169

As you are solving the tickets can I know how you are getting the tickets ,any tool you are using to track all the tickets ? Can you give two or three tickets you resolved in the project ?

NTT Data,

1 3687

Did you work on Transportation,what are the major settings for the transportation ?

NTT Data,


Can you tell me the Copy Control settings between Delivery Document and Billing Document ? What are the major settings ?

NTT Data,

2 5364

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Un-Answered Questions { SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) }

If you generate bill more than credit limit then what will happen?


Can anyone tell me please how can I go and introduce the discount condition type in the pricing procedure and how it’s going to impact with tax all the pricing getting to calculate in the order? For example, how specially I have a customer who I set out as an international customer and as a domestic customer what are the differences between that… is there tax is different, is there any fright different, is there any pricing different????


Explain the assignments among organizational units in sd


How can we make the customer group 1 (or 2, 3, 4, 5) a mandatory field?


What is a sales organization, distribution channel, division?


Define a shipping unit?


i faced one question. when new configuration we do what is the logic behind there?


How many clients we will create in land scape (like in development server, quality server, production server )


What are the responsibilities of "core team" and "functional team" in an implementation?


Do you know what is made to order scenario or make-to-stock scenario? SO, in the make-to-order scenario, what’s the integration touchpoint that you figure MRP? My question is when you have a make-to-order scenario, how does MRP will be figured? How system know that when you create a sale order whether the sale order is calling for make to order or make to the stock type of order, which data determined this is made to order make to stock…. The system should understand when I create an order, whether it’s made to order or make to stock, so which parameter which value that system will be determined based on that system will say okay this make to order so I need to I mean the system has to go to the next level then it’s going to the MRP all the subsequent planning will be taken taking place, what’s the parameter that we have to check?


Mention what are the sales document types in sap? What is the configuration step to define sales document type in sap sd?


Explain credit management.


What are the parameters in fd32?


What are the different lists in sap sd. Explain and give examples.


Does sap tm support transportation planning of power units (aka tractors), trailers and drivers for private fleet? : transportation management