Hi, wrong work item in universal work list.what could be the reason and where to check? can any body guide me thanks
1541Hi friends. This is Ramesh. I have a problem in sales order. When i create sales order the following error occured. That is "No customer master record exists for sold to party" Pls anyone help me for this problem. Thank u.
5 6604What is SD part in Variant Configuration? Do we do all the steps in Variant like CO,LO or just Sales /Conditions.IF we do Sales and conditons how we do that.
2 3448does anyone know what as a sd consultant we have to perform while closing of the month,,.i mean book the costs and accurals,.i dont have any knowledge about this.
1 5719Hai SD Gurus,The sales order values are not populating in the invoice, what the pblm ,records are maintain,plz let me knw urgent.
2 5662What is configuration with example? and what is customization with example? and what is the difference b/w this?
1 3820Dear SD Experts pls answer this questions immediately, its very urgent. thanks in advance. In SAP any implementation project what is business process of sd module.if the client belongs to FMCG sector.
3 8821Hi SD experts pls answer this question, thanks in advance. In new implementation project we do some configuration based on client requirement, here question is On what basis we are doing this. and how we get the details Pls explain with example.
1 4771Hi, experts pls answer this question, thanx in advance. if we create a functional specs for any enhancement, we need do give the approach on particular issue. could u explain how we need to find the issue and what is approach on this. for eg: if we want to copy PO no. from quotation into order,Here what is the way to find the include(routine) to create functional specs.
1 5282How can one inactivate or block a special stock partner? Intent is to disallow transactions to this consignment location as part of lifecycle mgmt.
1669In Third party Business senario: After raising Purchase Order we do Good Reciept MIGO, which means incoming of Stock. where does this stock reflected and how we manage this stock?
3 6606Hi pls tell me about order type, item cate grp,item catgry, and schd. catgry.as well as dlvry tye and dlv itm categry for service item, text item, free goods, 3rd party item, contracts, schduline aggrements,bom, cash sale rush sales, credit memo reuest, debit memo request, and return order.
1 3690Post New SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Questions
what is the use of delivery and billing documents header and item
What is the difference between vk11 and vk31?
Have you know the shipment and shipment cost
what is purpose of maintaining common distribution channels and common division??????
What is division?
How can we set up to have the vat# be accepted in the ship-to master file data control screen?
What do you control at item category level in the delivery?
If you generate bill more than credit limit then what will happen?
What is an option by which we can run all the sessions in a batch simultaneously?
Gather Information For better understanding &analyze cases received through LNOB for pirs &ccrs
What is agenda of quick off meeting ?
Hi,In transportation while am creating shipment cost document am getting this error "forward shipment cost items incorrect" kindly any one answer me.thanks in adv
What is condition types?
In third party order processing what are the standard G/L A/c's to be posted in ME21?
What is the path to define condition type in sap for pricing?