I have created a sales order and I am not able to create the delivery , what could be the causes ?
4 6176I have created a sales order, sales order is having 4 line items ,and my requirement is for each line item I want to have separate delivery ,how I can achieve this in SAP ?
5 8629What is the importance of Alternate Calculation Type and Condition Base Value in Pricing Procedure?
3 7968Where you monitor job ,suppose you got a ticket like when machine shows a job is not run today , can you please check and let me know ,where you want to check this ?
1 4318Can you assign one sales organization to different company codes ? How can you assign a sales organization to plant ? How you assign in Enterprise Structure ?
1 5055Suppose two Company Codes are there , I have a customer and customer is purchasing from two company codes , do I need to create different customer master for the same customer because in company codes we have used different accounts ?
1 4815One customer is there, customer is purchasing from Company Code A and this company is having Company Code B also ,this customer is purchasing from Company Code A and he also wants to purchase from Company Code B ,so do you need to create a new customer ?
5 6832Why your client need to implement SAP? And what is the benefit of it?
Altimetrik, CG, HCL, ITTI Pvt Ltd,
3 6237I am creating a credit note with Invoice reference , The below error is coming . Message no. V1212 No pricing procedure could be determined while creating Credit note with Invoice reference System should copy the price from the Invoice why it is throwing an error .I have checked my copy controls .Everything is fine .Kindly help me out.
3 6552Sales order is created 1st November for 200 tooth pastes 100 brushes free of goods(2 1 free goods).At the time of delivery on 15th November you have shortage of brushes by 40. offer closed on 15th November . How do you solve in this scenario?
1 5247Which module integration is required in output determination? 71) What are the two user exits you have used in your project?
3 5300When we use Intercompany sales? The customer can directly go to the supplying company instead of his regular company.
6 6046Post New SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Questions
Sir, I'Ve interview with IBM . I want few SAP-SD real time tickets and its solution . ... E-Mail New Answers Answer Selected Questions Post New SD Question ...
Hi Friends, Can you please let me know the difference between user exist and Routines
At present we have the STATIC credit check, for only one customer we want DYNAMIC credit check from next month. no need to go for configuration ? only should go for master data for that only customer.
Can anyone tell me please how can I go and introduce the discount condition type in the pricing procedure and how it’s going to impact with tax all the pricing getting to calculate in the order? For example, how specially I have a customer who I set out as an international customer and as a domestic customer what are the differences between that… is there tax is different, is there any fright different, is there any pricing different????
What are mrp types?
what is difference between individual and collective requirement
what is eligibilty concept for discounts?
What is the purpose of 'output determination'?
What is higher level item category?
What is the product attributes?
What is an outline agreement?
Outline the process flow for sales returns.
What is information structures?
What is backorder processing or partial delivery?
what is access key? how it is obtained? i was asked access key while creating data transfer routine