1.can we generate our own customizing request number (ex-wsre255635).?
2.if any case we will possible to delete customizing request number?
What is the purpose of text determination, account determination, partner determination, output determination, storage location determination.
how to communicate with abaper for new requirements
Where do you assign mo0vement types ?
In how many ways a sap system can interact with third party system. please provide the details to understand well about interfaces
What is the difference between free goods and bonus buy?
Hi friends. What is GTS(Global trade service)? What is its future. What is the market for GTS in current situation? Pls tell me as soon as posible. Thanks in advance
Can you do account determination without account keys? And explain how?
Hi Friends, Can you please let me know the difference between user exist and Routines
Is it possible to have different pricing procedure for sales order and invoice?
If PGI is not possible for one sales order. what are mandatory things we have to chck?
if posting is not happend what are all the solution to resolve this issue
In Pricing Suppose we went to VK11 and in PR00 condition type if we gave value as Rs 100 /- then we have raised an sales order. Again we have gone to VK12 t-code and changed tyhe amount to Rs 120/- and changed the validity period as current date then in delivery & Billing documents which price the system takes into account i.e Rs100 or Rs120? Give a detailed explanation & logic to substantiate your answer. I have been asked this question in an recent interview. Thanks& Regards