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Third Party Interview Questions
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How to create a sales order?What are the transaction to create a sales order?What are the prerequisite data to create a sales order ?

2 3223

How do we do pricing for a material ? How is the condition technique done ?I want to do my pricing based of sales orgn,distribution channel,division and material no , so how do I do that ?How do we get to know the fields, explain step wise?

2 3128

What do you mean by Account Group ?What does Account Group Control ?

4 5199

Do you know about Item Category ?Explain me about Item Category ?

3 4064

Do you know about shipping process ?How to create a delivery document?Explain in details.?What are the prerequisite data that we need before creating a delivery document ?

2 4001

How to create a billing document ?What is the transaction code?What is the transaction code for material posting ?

3 5202

What is the problem that you have faced till now ?And how do you overcome that ?Did you solve any problem of your own?

1 3089

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What's the difference between windows server and windows?


What is the sas data set? : sas-grid-administration


Tell us about a time when you failed to meet a deadline. What were the repercussions?


Describe the difference between being a manager and a leader and a follower?


How does privacy protection vary between industries using AI?


Describe the usage of

, and
html5 semantic elements.


How to get UpdateMode to work for TQuery on a SQL Server 7.0 table?


Why is it called a shell?


When do you use special period?


What is android sdk?


What are operating system services?


Define Trigger?


What do you mean by consistency in Cassandra?


Why do we need spring boot starter parent? : Spring Boot


What is the difference between the "residual payment" and "partial payment" methods of allocating cash in account receivable?