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Third Party Interview Questions
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How to create a sales order?What are the transaction to create a sales order?What are the prerequisite data to create a sales order ?

2 3289

How do we do pricing for a material ? How is the condition technique done ?I want to do my pricing based of sales orgn,distribution channel,division and material no , so how do I do that ?How do we get to know the fields, explain step wise?

2 3226

What do you mean by Account Group ?What does Account Group Control ?

4 5318

Do you know about Item Category ?Explain me about Item Category ?

3 4150

Do you know about shipping process ?How to create a delivery document?Explain in details.?What are the prerequisite data that we need before creating a delivery document ?

2 4077

How to create a billing document ?What is the transaction code?What is the transaction code for material posting ?

3 5307

What is the problem that you have faced till now ?And how do you overcome that ?Did you solve any problem of your own?

1 3144

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What are the BPM tcodes?


What is cwinthread class?


Which command would you use to create a file system on a new hard drive?


How to know linux os is 32 bit or 64 bit?


what is the postec controllers and how it is work


What is preprocessor in .net and type, where it use?


What is hdfs spark?


What is a spawn in call process?


What is spring and hibernate framework?


What is e-r model in the dbms?


What are the commands in linux?


Is it possible to have multiple database servers for one gateway server?


What is the difference between RETURNING and CHANGING parameters for a method?


what is ground fault in ACB?


How do I verify data in excel?