if i want to limit the condition record validity for forst 10 orders how can i do tht plz ans i hve interview in 2/3 days
1776friends ..... i hava a question, i have to assign sm36,3m37,su01 has to assign to a user with only options (display ,create).how can ia assign this to user? need quick reply......
3 6143sir/mam i m fresher for sap basis i need resume format for interview i have worked with HCL infosystems Ltd. for Last 4and 1\2 year as a technical suppoert and i know about logistic process in SAP...please any one help me send it to my E-mail id (charita87@gmail.com
1 12208As per your process, Lets say someone asked you access for SAP_ALL and you got approval from the business head to assign but you did not get approval from the Security head. In this case, what will you do?
1 5714How can one send and receive emails in SAP what is the procedure to send and receive emails through SAP Application a brief description?
4 8765What is OSCollector and where can one see whether OSCollector is running or not what is the path of OSCollector?
3 5737
What are the Parameters need to be set when connecting EP to r/3 system what are they?
does the Tcode EWZ5 exist in ECC6?I'm using NW2004S SR2 abap engine and EWZ5 doesn't exist in that.so in that case what is the alternative to EWZ5?to see the list of users present in a client but not necessarily logged in and to to lock or unlock them? Thanks.
What is the role of “ application server” ?
Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous transport
Suppose you have to integrate sap ecc 6.0 to aws cloud. How can you achieve this?
how can we set a/r a/p netting for inter company code transactions? is it possible to do? if yes, give the solution?
Is sap a database ?
How do you solve oracle archive struck?
What is SSO? How to configure SSO?
What is the procedure to applying patches?
What are the DVD's Download for implementation?
How do you check the installed software components and product versions on sap system?
What is the difference between – support package, kernel and sap note?
What are the different user types in sap system that an admin can use while creating a new user?
what is garbage collector. is there any way to set the time to gc?