If a user wants to execute a background job immediately but there is no Background work process available. How u will do?
8 22885How you will do client copy? If SAP * user is not available at all in your system then how u will do client copy?
23 77273How u will apply OCS patches? If a user wants to execute a background job immediately but there is no Background work process available. How u will do? How you will do client copy? If SAP * user is not available at all in your system then how u will do client copy?
8 26921What is Consolidation route and delivery routes? How to define Logon groups? And what is Logon load balancing? What is Transport domain and Domain controller?
6 46701What are homogeneous copy and heterogeneous copy and how you will do that? how to impot the OSS notes? What is OCS how to apply OCS patches? ABAP service pack level can found in SPAM, but how to find the java stack level?
2 8183For an ABAP only system, do we have to SSL? What is the pocedure involved in doing a system copy?How to pervent other uses to send mails from SAP?What is SAPS?What is the importance of the clients 000, 001 and o66? How to make security authorization report?What is the information derived from OSS notes?
2 11112What are common transport Errors? What java tools to install java patches? What SAP tools you use to install SAP patches?
3 12510
I am installing a sap j2ee engine at crm. When it reaches phase 22 it halts for more than 10 minutes and gives up starting the system. What should I do?
can anyone tellme java instance startup sequence?
what is the procedure for java stack upgradation?
How you can restrict multiple logins of user in sap? What are the thing you have to take care of while writing the id’s?
What is the use of commit value while deleting jobs in sap system?
What is the difference between central instance & application server?
When I check transaction sm37 and I want to see the spool I get a message that says "no list available." Why is this?
Using Tc SGEN I have generated 74% job and later I have terminated the job. I wish to start generating from where it stopped I have refreshed but to no chance, nothing was done. How should I further proceed so as to complete the remaining job?
i am working with NBFC- MNC in personal loan dept. I applied for Internal Job Position in banking Division. My overall (10 years) experience in sales and People Management and in Internal Job Posting they require person for backend activity. There will be not repotees and its individual performance job. My Question is 1. If they will ask why you want to change your field form sales to backend job what should I answer? 2. The opening is in Chennai and since 10 year I am in Gujarat so if they ask why you want to change your home town location? Arpan Thakkar
what is the use of psapundo tablespace? what is the error ora -01555 represents.how can u prevent this error?
What are the different types of sap profiles?
How can you view locked transactions?
What are the key activities that you perform as part of sap basis support?
What settings we have to do in EEWC while using slandalone SAP-CRM system.
What is a background processing batch scheduler?