Why do you use DDIC user not SAP* for Support Packs and SPam?
How to check cpu usage in EP?
How to do transport at OS level?
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does the Tcode EWZ5 exist in ECC6?I'm using NW2004S SR2 abap engine and EWZ5 doesn't exist in that.so in that case what is the alternative to EWZ5?to see the list of users present in a client but not necessarily logged in and to to lock or unlock them? Thanks.
List the difference between asynchronous and synchronous transport?
If you have a long-running Job, how do you analyse?
What is the difference between kernel replacement and support package?
How will go about doing a client copy ?
While doing implementation do you get any issues?
Can you change the profile parameter in the os level? Which one is advisable why?
what are the pros and cons of auto extend of table spaces?
How to delet a table in sap. How to move a table from one location to another.
what is sox and sod in sap ?
what is the difference b/w 4.7EE & ECC5.0?