What is an interface in SAP?
How to do transport at OS level?
What is redolog file? Path?
Which table contains the details related to Q defined in SPAM? Is there a way to revert back the Q defined? If yes, How?
Which transport directory is used to implement support package and add-ons?
What are the different types of job status? Can you unschedule an active job?
Can you tell me installation procedure of SAP on UNIX
What are the Pre- requisite for system copy?
Why do you use DDIC user not SAP* for Support Packs and SPam?
A user moved the transport request from dev to qua. How would you trace him?
What is the system's configuration required to implement SAP.
What is you allocate disks to different areas in sap?
How to transport objects from Production to Development?
you want to do a system-copy. List the steps you will take.
Explain reference and service user in sap. What are their uses?