SAP Interview Questions
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How do we do pricing for a material ? How is the condition technique done ?I want to do my pricing based of sales orgn,distribution channel,division and material no , so how do I do that ?How do we get to know the fields, explain step wise?

Third Party,

2 3263

In pricing procedure what are the things we need to assign for creation of a sales order ? Suppose I have given a customer pricing procedure as ‘P’ in my pricing procedure,do I need to assign that ‘P’ anywhere else so that we can get accurate pricing for that customer ?


4 5166

What do you mean by Account Group ?What does Account Group Control ?

Third Party,

4 5401

At the time Customer fields are coming , how can we control those ,what are the obligatotory fields,what fields to suppress ? Before creation of account group what all prerequisite data required ?


1 2931

Do you know about Item Category ?Explain me about Item Category ?

Third Party,

3 4189

Do you know about shipping process ?How to create a delivery document?Explain in details.?What are the prerequisite data that we need before creating a delivery document ?

Third Party,

2 4135

Do you know about number range assignment ?What is the difference between external number range and internal number range ?


2 4625

How to create a billing document ?What is the transaction code?What is the transaction code for material posting ?

Third Party,

3 5376

What is the problem that you have faced till now ?And how do you overcome that ?Did you solve any problem of your own?

Third Party,

1 3172

As you are solving the tickets can I know how you are getting the tickets ,any tool you are using to track all the tickets ? Can you give two or three tickets you resolved in the project ?

NTT Data,

1 3694

Did you work on Transportation,what are the major settings for the transportation ?

NTT Data,


Can you tell me the Copy Control settings between Delivery Document and Billing Document ? What are the major settings ?

NTT Data,

2 5370

I have created a sales order and I am not able to create the delivery , what could be the causes ?

NTT Data,

4 6182

I have created a sales order, sales order is having 4 line items ,and my requirement is for each line item I want to have separate delivery ,how I can achieve this in SAP ?

Cap Gemini, NTT Data,

5 8646

What is the importance of Alternate Calculation Type and Condition Base Value in Pricing Procedure?

NTT Data,

3 7968

Un-Answered Questions { SAP }

How to change the package of a SAP Script ?


When would you update a sap table directly? What precautions would you taje?


How to set field status of wbs as mandatory, (wbs element, and ntw) ?


What is the term fan trap?


What is post goods issue (pgi) ?


what is v3 update method ?


What are the relational operations that can be performed on view in sap? : abap data dictionary


How can we decide weather we can enhance the standard infotype or not ? : abap hr


What is the structure of a feature?


What happens when you load transaction data without loading master data?


What is done by gr/ir regrouping program?


What do the xd01 do?


What are the different steps in a shopping cart wizard?


Where are payment terms for customer master maintained?


What are various possible settlement receivers in a maintenance order?