In a company there are 2 plants, Both Plants manufacturing the same product. In Plant 1 variance come. Now the client requirement is add that variance in the plant 2. How can we do that ?
1449Can we change price control from S to V in mid of the year, If we can change what is the process steps we will follow from CO end?
1398How do you monitor and track messages flowing through SAP Process Orchestration? Are there any specific tools or dashboards you use?
1If an integration fails, what steps would you take to troubleshoot and identify the root cause in SAP PO?
1What security measures are typically implemented in SAP Process Orchestration to ensure data integrity and confidentiality?
1How would you manage user roles and authorizations in SAP PO to restrict access to specific integration scenarios?
Where is control to confirm to for put away and picking ?
What is the SPRO Path for requirement class and req. type?
What are the three methods to customize organizational structure of an organization?
Explain what are reason codes used in account receivable?
How is the integration between personnel administration and organization management modules maintained?
Can you assign a job to another job, and a position to another position? Explain.
What is the maximum No. Of structures that can be included in a table or structure. : abap data dictionary
Why do we use logical blocks in abap program?
Name the sap ui5 control metadata which are used to configure the ui elements during runtime?
Integration between PP and QM Module.
hello, can any one send the sap oil and gas and sap utilities contents/scenarios to my id = thanks and awaiting for your early response.
At what places availability check performed? is it done at invoice level also ? if yes what are the scenarios to perform availability check at invoice level? what are the settings to be done to perform to check at invoice level?
Why the website is called as a business client apparatus and also a planner instrument in the meantime? : sap bobi
Where do we use write optimized dso?
How can we set the table spaces and extent sizes? : abap data dictionary