I have maintained several w.tax in the system but when I want to select one of them so that it gets deducted from the entry in F-02. How can it be deducted as I am not getting any option to select one of the W.Tax that have been configured?
2 4091We have 4 Co. Codes in India out of which one is Indian Head Office, 4 Co. Codes in US out of which one co. code is head office US and 5 Co. Codes in France and one out of which is head office there. Now, company wants that reports of India can be collectivily seen and maintaned and same with others. They also want the consolidated reports of all the three countries. How can I configure it plz?
1 4062We have created 9 COA for 9 co. codes and for the 10th Co. Code we have created the country COA and we have to assign all co. codes to one group Co. How can we configure this?
4 6558I have blocked the Vendor Invoices in SAP at the time of preparing them in F-43 but when I have tried to Unblock them in FBL1N then system is just showing them they are blocked and not giving me the option to unbleck them. please help me out?
1 9123What is the difference between the Positive time recording and negative time recording in time evaluation?
3 7613why are you assign for the company code to the ,fiscal varient, postnig period varient, field status varient, and controlling area?what is reasions?
2 5530Hi, I have a question ,suppose all users are unable to login into (sap system including basis administrator)then what are the ways to check the system and how to unlock it.
4 14034HiAll, Could you please tell me the whole process of TMS configuration,export,import and when to use Tcode se09 in this process. Thanks in advance, Ravi
1 4494How can I copy the G/L accounts from one company code plz? 1) Within the same client 2) Without the same client Plz tell me step by step, if possible?
2 13457there are 500 users logged into the sap system, the system goes down and one cannot login using sapgui. Whyen check the workprocess from dpmon the dialog workprocesses are free. what action does one take as basis consultant
12 20965
what are the principles of relational model.
Where are pay scale groups and pay scale levels defined?
what are the main functions of project img?
How to change the package of a SAP Script ?
What are the options to implement method of a bo?
How do you estimate in the three point estimating method?
How do applicant actions differ from applicant activities?
What is blind shipment and bread bulk?
What is mysap erp?
What is repository info. Systems? : abap data dictionary
Mention what is modeling studio?
When you define aggregates, what are the available options?
Do you need sap hana to run vora? : hana vora
What is the process chain and when you can use the same in the data warehouse?
Standard mrp steps