I have 100 records and 75th record contains error,if i use call transaction how many records will update the data base and if i use session method how many will update?
2 6995Suppose i have table with 2 columns say 1st with Numerics and 2nd with words like 1 for one and 2 for two......so.if i want to change the 9 numeric word as some twenty...how?
3 6463In material report output,if i click on any material i have to open MM01 with that material in the field how?and from mm01 screen i have to come out what i have to do?
2 5781In select-options,how to make high as madatory.....?if we use obligatory we'll get the low as madatory by default?
6 22886Is it mandatory to make all the users log off while applying add-ons and s-notes as it is in the case of support packs?
3 6169What is the relationship between CATS and Time management Can we use both at a time for recording timesheet
2 7751open item mgt a/c are all the balance sheet a/c but all balance sheet a/c are not are all openitem mgt plz explain? plz send the mail id rddy786@gmail.com
1877How can I prioritize the vendors without using the account groups and how can I pay them via F110. We want to pay esteemed customers first, then less esteemed customers and then normal customers.
3 6378
What are the benefits of implementing sap hana with sap erp? : hana modeling
What is web template.
Please suggest ME which institute is best for sap mm and kindly let me know which institute Mr.Syed Quarish is working and his contact no? and who is expert in teaching test scrips and CIN
What is an abstract class in ooabap ?
What is the prerequisite for doing the currency conversion?
Name some system global variables you can use in abap programs?
What does the corporate data model define?
How do you implement a File to File scenario in PI system?
What are the initial configuration steps for physical inventory?
What is a document type? : fi- general ledger
define variable cost
What are the different modules of SAP?
What is the difference between contract and scheduling agreement?
Explain what is sap posting period? What is the transaction code to open and close posting period?
What is the integration point in fi-mm in obyc. Which gl a/c has to be created ?