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iGate Interview Questions
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What are advantages of C++ when comparing with C?

18 28315

May i know high priority&low seviarity,high seviarity&low priority

13 23913

hi Here ive question on Reportnet when we save a report in reportstudio with what ext it save

6 15481

what is qtp automation frame work,what is the use of that frame work?

64 173420

What is the smallest package in Java API?

5 13829

What is the difference between doGet and doPost?

9 30997

How many fields(max) can be there in a transparent table?

2 8696

1/(10 power 18) - 1/(10 power 20) = ?

7 24245

What is 77 level used for ?

12 62584

What are the two search techniques ?

2 9313

what is lis ,lo and difference between them ?

3 21350

What is a router?

21 21447

What is meant by "Early Binding" and "Late Binding"? Which is better?

1 10788

What is the major problems you resolved during your testing process?


I-GATE PLACEMENT PAPERS ---------placement paper -1

3 15928

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iGate Interview Questions

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What are basis points?


Can we create our own daemon thread?


Data shows the audience for a client's running shoe store is women ages 35 to 50. How can you optimize this client's display network campaign based on your research?


Can bsd run linux programs?


Is java 1.7 the same as java 7?


How do I turn on equation editor in word?


What is the latest version of ubuntu?


What does joining a thread mean?


What are the commonly found errors in embedded systems?


Is php worth learning in 2019?


What have been your most striking findings? What data have really shocked you?


What are the differences between code behind and code inline?


How are observers and callbacks different from each other?


How many data structures are there in c?


How would you define bootstrap pagination?