there are 500 users logged into the sap system, the system
goes down and one cannot login using sapgui. Whyen check
the workprocess from dpmon the dialog workprocesses are
free. what action does one take as basis consultant
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
Answer / sirish
There could be an archival stuck situation in the database.
You need to check oraarch directory usage and then take a
archive backup immediately if it is full. I had this issue
once. However, if the users are not able to login and if Dia
work process are free, in this situation we cant say that
system is down, of course,obviously users will not be able
to login if archives are stuck.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 15 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / shahid
the question sounds little tricky, if the system goes down,
then how can you check dpmon??, Now assuming that if the
server is down, how can the work process be free??? Now
assume that all the other users can login except one, then
there is no question of server going down as all the others
are logdin and are working fine.
The question does not makes much sense to me...
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / imran
If the system goes down then start troubleshooting at OS
level check the files in usr/sap/sid/CI/Work directory, look
for dev_ms,dev_disp,dev_w0 to dev_wn and also look for
oracle/sapdatahome/saptrace/background folder and usertrace.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / rahul
Yes, Sirish is correct. We can't call the system down in
this situation. Probably, an hour glass symbol appears for
ever. Look for ora achive and clear them.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / shybunny
Well u dont hv to teach me English, to be frank this was the
question raised by a manager from IBM. Ans or call it quit
dont beat around the bush.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / ganesh varma
Ora Arch Directory got filled...Due to this reason no other
users can login but work processes looks free..
Clear the ora-arch directory.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / alenps
Cause: Ora archive directory is full:(99% chance)
Resolution: check the arch directory: if it is full take a backup of it :issue will be resolved and no more hourglass
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / bhushan
Apart from the above answers i jus want to one more thing that could also be the reason why users can't login to the system.
0i.e. Some important file systems might have got full so we also need to check the file system fill level and add space.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / prakash
Hi Shybunnyme,
The correct qs is?????
there are 500 users logged into the sap system, At this moment the system goes down and After stating the sap system one user cannot login using sapgui.
Whyen check the workprocess from dpmon the dialog workprocesses are free.
what action does one take as basis consultant
As the sap system goes down while the user are loged on which resulted in unsuccessful log out from the system.
So Check User status in SM04. if it is still in log in condition terminate the user process and try to log in again.
i think this might solve the problem.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 1 No |
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