What us purpose of unit of measurement in basic data, sales data, and purchase data. Same thing can be maintained differently at three places.
What is the last entry in all bdc tables? : abap bdc
What is the structure of delivery document?
How to set an Enhancement point for a custom report?
What is the use of structural authorization?
What are the differences between v1, v2, v3 jobs in extraction.
Is there any additional configuration required for account-based profitability analysis as compared to costing based profitability analysis?
What are the different types of input parameters supported?
What is the t-code to display batch input sessions? : abap bdc
What is cache monitoring?
What authorization are required to create and maintain user master records?
What is the difference between AT SELECTION-SCREEN and AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT?
What are Configuration and Monitoring dashboard?
What is the need of having Development system?
how to do Reporting and Analysis authorizations