What is the difference between technical consultant and functional consultant with respect to their roles and responsibilities?
What kind of reporting and analytics capabilities does sap transportation management have? : transportation management
When should be sql script used?
Can we have more than 6 standard values in standard value key?
What are document types ?
Can i Have Some Realtime Examples On Modulepool programming.
Can you further subdivide a plant? If yes into what?
Could you provide functional test cases to test a sap sd system?
What is the use of marketing calendar?
what are the goals of sap initiative?
How to group employees for their allowances in payroll?
What is group bom?
Do SAP Hybris Have On Demand Flavor Also?
What number ranges can be configured in srm ?
1.how can we convert VAT Return Filing in SAP? 2.How can we configure Form "C" report in SAP ?