f(char *p) { p=(char *)malloc(sizeof(6)); strcpy(p,"HELLO"); } main() { char *p="BYE"; f(p) printf("%s",p); } what is the output?
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2 11014What are the different methods of accessing db2 from tso? How is the connection established between TSO & DB2?
3 13015what's the equivalent Cobol Data type for Decimal(x,y) in DB2? what does the current SQLID register contain?
3 17232Post New Tech Mahindra Interview Questions
Which are the two main static classes of linq api that contain extension methods?
Can you define cognos impromptu?
How do I add a database to sql?
Draw a 230kv two-bus bar system showing the following. 1.Two generators (150MW) each connected through one 15.75/230KV transformers 2. 1 outgoing lines 3. Two 230/130 KV transformers 4. BUS PT's 5. CT
What does annotated images mean?
What are the other bi tools that can be connected to hana for reporting? : hana bi development
Which library is used in php to do various types of image work?
What is interactive reporting?
Explain the entire process of invoice verification from gr to invoice verification in sap with accounting entries?
What are the information contained in the service deployment model?
What are lambda expressions in LINQ?
What is an authorization in sap?
Explain the life cycle of JSF?
What kind of database is excel?
What is structure padding in c?