1) How to retrieve RRN through RPG ? 2) How to pass parameter by value ? 3) How to trap the error through the RPG/400
10 31025Post New Tech Mahindra RPG400 Interview Questions
What is the difference between automotive production and mass-production.?
How can I get out of safe mode?
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I have an UI issue "please fill out this field" pop up in firefox browser keeps scrolling with the page is it valid???
There are two file are there .1st file contains 5 records and 2nd file contain 10 records in target they want 50 records.how can achieve this
Is it necessary to call embedded resources explicitly in jmeter?
Is postgresql a virus?
Why is null not allowed in concurrenthashmap?
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The xylem tissue that carries water is called?
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What is worker node in Apache Spark cluster?
Are truncate and delete commands same? If so why?