what is an extent in informix?
What is dbrm? What it contains? When it will be created?
Which is the next windows operating system?
What does xslt processing models involve? : xslt
What is hungarian notation? Is it worthwhile?
what is the diffeence between SQL and ORACLE?
Does alexa have artificial intelligence?
1)Can we extend /root partition in RHEL 6 ? If yes then what are the steps?
What is an excel array formula?
What is aidl? What are the datatypes supported by aidl?
What happens if I run this command. Driver.get(“www.softwaretestingmaterial.com”) ;
How is rdd distributed?
What do you understand from in-memory computing? What is its significance in SAP HANA?
What is invoice accounting rules?
What is the difference between the broad match and narrow match?