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Tech Mahindra CCNA Interview Questions
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How the STP determinw that which Port should be Root Port, which port should be Designeted Port , Blocking Port and Forwarding Port in Layer 2 STP topology

7 10223

Which one is the Best protocol- Static routing, RIPV2,EIGRP,OSPF.

20 26071

Hey Folks how are you i guess some of guys are newly visitors of this site so let me introduce my self. I am jitendera kumar sinha working for cisco system (india)( Network engineer L2) and i was also a regular Visitors of this site and i have provided lots of answer and i do not know how many are correct :-) By the way i am here again to learn some thing and share my knowledge which is beyond CCNA Scope and and it is some where related to ccnp ( switching )and ccnp Security as i am pursuing ccnp security so i am going to start the topics from switching and will share my knowledge and try to brush-up my knowledge.... so let me know any topic in switching where you are facing difficulty and i will try to solve it so please post one topic and i will reply weekly as i am getting time on Sunday only

1 3793

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Tech Mahindra CCNA Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

how to nfind out the specific gravity of sand.aggregate,water please help...


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How can a break be deleted in the column?


What is cri pumps & mechanical sael


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What is the advantage of using outlook?


Can I tap into other windows livetm services?


How do I get all users out of VSS in order to perform a backup?


What is the difference between = and == in python?


how can we submit a form without a submit button? : Sql dba


What happens if the series current double?


What are the benefits of user-defined functions?


Explain about informix 4gl.


Highlight a few differences between ‘oncomponentok’ and ‘onsubjobok’.


In work load management there are three options of Low priority, Medium priority and High Priority Jobs which can be used for resource management. why this feature is developed when there is already jobs prescheduled by scheduler or autosys. what will be the use of workload management then?