what is the need of the cursor attribute notfound..(because using found attribute we can complete the task......found + negation operator = not found )
2 7466Write a procedure to return the month and the number of developers joined in each month (cursor )
2 8981Practice 1: Changes to data will only be allowed on tables during normal office hours of 8.45 in the morning until 5.30 in the afternoon, MONDAY through FRIDAY. A. Create a procedure called SECURE_DML that prevents the DML statement from executing outside of normal office hours, returning the message: “you may only make changes during normal office hours” b. Create a statement trigger on the PRODUCT table which calls the above procedure. c. Test it by inserting a new record in the PRODUCT table.
1 11190Post New Tech Mahindra SQL PLSQL Interview Questions
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How different is the growth according to the biotic potential of a viral population from the growth according to the biotic potential of a bacterial population?
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What is session state in asp net c# with example?
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Which important factors makes off page optimization better ?
What are major elements of data mining, explain?
What happen to a denaturated enzyme regarding its functionality? How that result can be explained with the help of the lock and key model?
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How do I download a file over http using python?
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How to get Retrieving the Request URI ?