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2 5903Post New Tech Mahindra Oracle Certifications Interview Questions
How many modules layers are there in spring?
Are you familiar with recent advancements in neurology research and treatment modalities? How do you stay informed about the latest developments?
how can i add properties in dynamic text fields using .js file?
Can I copy mysql data directory?
What is the monetary policy of RBI and what are the various instruments used to control it?
How do you resolve a composite and a multi valued attribute?
How do I archive emails in outlook?
define accounting,scope of account , types of account ?
What is a congested switch?
What does it mean to host a server?
What are the differences between asp and and is backward compatible to asp?
Explain the importance of moment of inertia?
Is excel and word included in windows 10?
Which peopletool is used to input peoplecode?
Explain what is angular expression? Explain what is key difference between angular expressions and javascript expressions?