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Tech Mahindra Manual Testing Interview Questions
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wat is build verification testing

21 32649

how to perform reviews

1 6381

how to report reviews

2 7715

how to access a build & wat is its configuration


if the object is identified by QTP & also virtual object wizard then which object will added to object repository

4 10982

11.what are two of your weaknesses?

1 2297

How many Types of test Case are there? What are the challenges u faced in Ur Company ? What are intonation u taken in ur project?

1 5402

1.What is end-to-end Testing 2.What ist the difference between WebBased Testing and Application Testing

5 28276

i have 2 year experience in manual testing, if i am attending any interview what kind of question i will get?

6 66204

2.what is the differnce bet project volume and v.s.s and what is the advantage of v.s.s?

1 2238

what is ISTQB and CSTE which one is the right choice ? plz let me know and it would be a great advantage for many tester

1 5602

What is network Entry procedure in WIMAX -TEch mahidra question?

3 10625

What is the difference between Developer and programmer?

13 27411

What is white-box Integration Testing and its differences between Black box-Integration testing?

6 14697

Q2. From the below given choices, which one is the ‘Confidence testing’ A. Sanity testing B. System testing C. Smoke testing D. Regression testing

9 34691

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Tech Mahindra Manual Testing Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

List some neo4j cql command.




What is complexity of bubble sort?


Discuss normal distribution


Which Altera device families does the TimeQuest timing analyzer tool support?


Does beneficiary have to pay tax on the proceeding of life insurance policy?


what s BSPL and its significance?


Can I install ubuntu in windows 10?


Explain what is the full form of osi and tcp/ip model?


Suppose your Zend engine supports the mode Then how can u configure your PHP Zend engine to support mode?


what is memory-optimized nonclustered indexes


How does cross join work in sql?


we have a rewind motor of 2Hp,2800Rpm, 220Volt AC. how can we choose the running capacitor for this motor, any formula for that?


Why does jcomponent have add() and remove() methods but the component does not?


what is the difference between hconn and hconnx?