RAM one table colums a1,a2,a3,a4 respective values 2,4,7,8 KRISH one table colums a1,a2,a3,a4 respective values 3,4,6,9 IN RAM & KRISH a4 column if comparing values RAM A4 - KRISH A4 ( 8-9 =1 THEN print 5 or (RAM) a4 value 10 KRISH a4 values 2 then 10 -2 =8 print 5*8=40 or diff 5 print same
1 2925i have 2 tables 4 colums table 1 respective values a1 6, a2 8,a3 9,a4 14 & table 2 respective values a1 6, a2 8, a3 9, a4 12. if compare 2 tables 3 colums values same then 4th column values 1)Qes diff >5 then (5 * diff value ) 2)Qes diff <5 the 5 3)Qes diff 5 then 5 print respective values..
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