Q1) What is the difference between Derived Role & Copy Role? Can't we just do a copy instead of deriving it when both have the same characterstics or inputs or functions??
2 15802How to create a custom T-code tell me the procedure How to add an authorization object for that custom t-code If any authorization object has been modified in SU24, how it will be effected in the system? If u has issue like add one AO in 50 roles what would u do? (If all 50 are single roles)? What is rule? What kind of reports does perform at the R3 level?
2 13064What is the latest change that was done to the SU53 trace, which is used to find the last authorization failure in SAP..???
4 16389does composit role has autherisations,how to we add the org values in composit role,What is the max authorizations objects that can be assigned to a profile
4 6639Post New Tech Mahindra SAP Security Interview Questions
Explain how to stop a thread?
Implement a stack with push (), pop() and min() in O(1) time.
How to divide a page into parts using jquery mobile? : jquery mobile
What is the difference among union, minus and intersect?
How do we calculate the Out put voltage of generator, after the excitation is being given?
.find the output of the following program? char*myfunc(char*ptr) { ptr +=3; return (ptr); } int main() { char*x,*y; x="HELLO"; y=myfunc(x); printf("y = %s ",y); return 0; }
Consider this scenario, I have an activity in ruleset a and I want to call this activity from activity in ruleset b.is this possible? If yes, how?
What gas was discovered by daniel rutherford in 1772 by placing a mouse inside a bell jar, removing all the oxygen in the jar by burning a substance in it, and demonstrating the asphyxiation of the mouse?
How to delete multiple cells in excel shortcut?
What is the minimum value of tv in msa to calculate r&r?
Elucidate on the various facilities provided by sap enterprise portal.
Is c# pass by reference?
In third party order processing what are the standard G/L A/c's to be posted in ME21?
What are some potential applications of Quantum Machine Learning?
Differentiate between Online Banking and Mobile Banking?