Through ssh whole directory structure from / is shared regardless the user we have connected with ....... how do i prevent sharing ??
4 7653Post New Tech Mahindra Linux AllOther Interview Questions
What is the use of work queues in blue prism?
What is tuple and attribute?
What is meant by applicant status and what are the reasons? Why do you need them?
Difference between report and query parameter. Why do we need different type of parameter?
How do I do drag & drop between applications?
disign the complex job in u r project?(they are aksing only complex job design and then data flow...)
Dear sir, please send me previos papers of rbi THANKS
what is data governance? : Sas-di
Explain Redis Databases?
How to calculate heat affected zone in weld?
What is the role of javascript in html?
the output of the common trasmitter protocol in qatar gas are the following
In a function declaration what does extern means?
What is modules?
Explain the role of SEBI?