i have 3 screens say S1,S2,S3 and i want to validate only S3.What code shud i write in the flowlogic of the screen??
2 4958Post New Tech Mahindra SAP ABAP Interview Questions
Define transferpage () with syntax ?
How can you sort a list?
What is the abkrs feature? : hr- payroll
Explain the four ways a horse moves?
mapper or reducer?
What are the Types of Relations.
What are registry errors?
How to calculate steel for beam slab and column
How do I find a word in microsoft word?
Mention the nfs server working process?
What is U'r approach towards a new subject ?
How do you carry-forward account balances?
Which command is available to show the current HBase user?
Explain how you can import data from other sources into access database?
how do we know whether all objects are stored in the object repository or not? how can we know if a particular object is not stored in the repository?