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Tech Mahindra Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Explain SD and MM Flow?

12 66834

How Client will contact the Bean?

3 8180

when i went to a call center she asked me. where u want to see after few years?

22 70515

working of a diesel generator.

34 171192

What is share script?

15 57787

Difference between String & StringBuffer

16 53405

can we add fields to SAP Standard tables. ? Do SAP tables have indexes. ?

5 25581

What are the steps involved in creating a pricing procedure?

10 40614

What is INBOUND and OUT BOUND? (Different types of interfaces)

17 125535

What is FORWARD DECLARATION in Packages?

6 50410

2.main { int x,j,k; j=k=6;x=2; x=j*k; printf("%d", x);

9 29951

f(char *p) { p=(char *)malloc(sizeof(6)); strcpy(p,"HELLO"); } main() { char *p="BYE"; f(p) printf("%s",p); } what is the output?

9 18341

How do you declare a host variable (in COBOL) for an attribute named emp-name of type VARCHAR(25) ?

2 10901

What are the different methods of accessing db2 from tso? How is the connection established between TSO & DB2?

3 12824

what's the equivalent Cobol Data type for Decimal(x,y) in DB2? what does the current SQLID register contain?

3 17093

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Tech Mahindra Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the lifecycle of facelets application in jsf (javaserver faces)?


When should 'regression testing' be performed?


How to install the ggplot2 package?


Which programming language is used to write mongodb queries?


What is criteria api?


Why is self used in python?


What is a 401 redirect?


What is efficiency data?


What is #temp and @table variable in SQL server?


what is difference between NULL and ISNULL in SQL Server 2008?


iv, A non -performing asset is A, Money at call and short notices b, An asset that ceases to generate income c, cash balance in till d, none of the above


15hp motor wound by 0.9mm & 0.95mm magnet wire. at no load test it draw 4.2A current. Another motor with same condition draw 9.2A current. How can that occur? pls help


how is a server running windows server 2008 configured as a domain controller, such as the domain controller for the root domain or a child domain? : Windows server 2008


What is monolithic ic?


What is the difference between inline and infix functions? Give an example of each.