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Tech Mahindra Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Explain SD and MM Flow?

12 66834

How Client will contact the Bean?

3 8180

when i went to a call center she asked me. where u want to see after few years?

22 70515

working of a diesel generator.

34 171196

What is share script?

15 57788

Difference between String & StringBuffer

16 53405

can we add fields to SAP Standard tables. ? Do SAP tables have indexes. ?

5 25581

What are the steps involved in creating a pricing procedure?

10 40614

What is INBOUND and OUT BOUND? (Different types of interfaces)

17 125535

What is FORWARD DECLARATION in Packages?

6 50410

2.main { int x,j,k; j=k=6;x=2; x=j*k; printf("%d", x);

9 29951

f(char *p) { p=(char *)malloc(sizeof(6)); strcpy(p,"HELLO"); } main() { char *p="BYE"; f(p) printf("%s",p); } what is the output?

9 18341

How do you declare a host variable (in COBOL) for an attribute named emp-name of type VARCHAR(25) ?

2 10901

What are the different methods of accessing db2 from tso? How is the connection established between TSO & DB2?

3 12824

what's the equivalent Cobol Data type for Decimal(x,y) in DB2? what does the current SQLID register contain?

3 17093

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Tech Mahindra Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the order in which Rule set list is constructed?


Do you know spatial data types - geometry and geography in sql server 2008?


List the energy saving opportunities in air compressor system.


Which stage allows us to check if an application is connected in this manner?


If we wanted to add two number a and b, then how it can be written in lisp language?


Explain how “infrastructure of code” is processed or executed in aws?


Write two ways in which computer applications differ from network applications ?


how to calculate voltage drop and followed by cable calculation?is there avail in formula?


Define globalization and localization.


What is the usage of utility computing?


why should be must tin no for business


honararium for the month of march 2013 can be paid on 31 mar 2013


If I have Energy Meter Ratio as 100:5 & Also I have CT Ratio as 50:5 then what will be my multiplying Factor(M.F.)


Explain the differences between marshal by value and marshal by reference?


How do you add solver to excel?