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SAP Labs SAP ABAP Interview Questions
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What is a BAdi? How to implement a BAdi?

5 18331

What is the table & field to identify the no of items (bottles) stored in one case?


Table ztest has a secondary index on the following fields: tnum, tcode. Select * from ztest where tnum ne '123' and tcode = '456'. Why is the index not used in the above case? Choices: a) Indexes are not allowed on Z tables b) Variables must be used, NOT literals c) Select individual fields, not select * d) Client is not in the where clause e) NE invalidates the use of an index Info: Can someone explain in detail why this happened? It will be really helpful to handle to case in Secondary index:

2 8270

What is the difference between open sql & native sql ?

3 12754

Create a Function module that can be called from JAVA using JCo with an example.

1 5607

what is difference between value table and check table?

3 6918

Is BAdI client Indpendent

1 5963

Can i know some of the Realtime tickets that anyone has been faced ?


In Open SQL statements such as Insert update delete which one is FASTlLY retrieve the results and which one is Efficient?

4 10154

Function Module to upload the Excel sheet into SAP Internal Tables. * a) GUI_UPLOAD b) CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>GET_UPLOAD_DOWNLOAD_PATH c) CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>GUI_UPLOAD d) All the above

2 19005

What is Transaction to view the Workflow status ? a) SWDD b) SWI2_FREQ c) SBWP d) SPRO

4 11732

Hi guy.. i have to face an interview in a couple of day.. so can you please give me some good and tough question on abap.


can we use sub routines in a function module?

2 6507

By default SAP provides locking mechanism if db is being used by a user ,then what is the use of writing enque method in your code?

1 4459

Post New SAP Labs SAP ABAP Interview Questions

SAP Labs SAP ABAP Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What do you mean by storage classes?


How would you turn off cookies on a page of a website?


how does modulation reduce bandwidth


Versions of softwares change everyday. In what format should I save my database so that different versions of ms access cab open it?


how find a system dump?


Using excel is there a way to close all open excel files at once instead of closing them one at a time?


What kind of datawarehouse application is suitable for Hive?


Please help me in this entries Pass accounting entries for the following transaction in the books of XYZ company. A rendered professional service to company XYZ and sent an invoice dated 01/01/2016 for Rs 1,00,000/- + service tax Q1. Pass journal entry for the invoice received considering the service tax and TDS. Q2. Payment was made on 01/02/2016 by cheque. Pass payment entry.


How to empty your oracle recycle bin?


Can we have more than one faces-config.xml files in jsf?


Aptitude, reasoning, quants, verbal and technical question


Where and how can you use a private constructor?


Please help to get IOCL/HPCL or other chemical engineering paper pls send Regards, kathirvel


State some advantages of cloud computing.


What is the use of cycle work bench