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Patni Interview Questions
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There are two types of gangs one gang members always say truth others are liers u come accross a&b 1.a says "atleast one of us lier" a&b belongs to which gang??

8 10504

We have 2 poles 5 m and 7 m height ropes are connected from top of one to tthe bottem of another find the intersection height of those poles.

5 13534

Who ever has red card says truth black card says false 2 guys a and b a says "iam b i have red card " who is he wat card he has thats all from apti i know

11 13512

How to apporach while starting the automation testing?

3 5403

hi frinds..iam planing to do ISTQB certification. What are the contents to be prepared or send me materials or qustion papers & patterns to my mail id..

2 4386

What is the Difference between Transparant Tables , Pooled & cluster Tables?

1 5601

how can one eliminate dupliacte data with out using distinct option?

5 9856

How do you find which GDG is using which dataset?

3 8109

can we pass values from one page to another page without redirecting to that page?

6 12440

what are the steps to sort in a cobol program?

2 5089

how will you define vsam file in select clause?

3 7779

whats the difference between search and search all?

4 6531

can you declare redefine in level 01?

8 17395

using redefine can you redefine lower variable size to higher variable size?

3 7337

if you code move high-values to variable,can you move it into numeric variable or alphanumeric variable?

1 7118

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Patni Interview Questions

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If an/ap = 0.5, an/ap = 1, an/ap = 3, for 3 inverters draw the transfer characteristics?


What are some of the uses of private cloud concept?


Ow binding works in mxml components in flex? : adobe flex action script


What are the different layers in architecture?


1.antenna is passive or active?? add why? 2.diff b/w tch drop & tch block?? 3 diff. b/w sdcch drop & sdcch block??


State three differences between Dbms and Rdbms?


What is the slip speed?


Difference between angularjs and react.js.


What is band and why the company needs this?


Explain the difference between projectile motion and rocket motion.


What is urn?


Should I use an http get or post for my ajax calls?


What are native queries?


What is operating system and its examples?


Differentiate between singleton and prototype bean?