hi,there is a scenario like. there are three columns empid,salmonth, sal contains the values 101,jan,1000 101 feb 1000 like twelve rows are there then my required out put is like contains 13 columns empid jan feb marc.......dec and the velues are 101 1000 1000 1000 like this . thank you
5 9013What is use of Licence Data tab in SU01 ? and they have types like CAT-II,CAT-III,CAT-IV what is its use then ? Is there any difference between these ?
5 25493Are facts same as metrics and dimensions same as measures? If not , please tell the difference?
1 8086how can we differentiate between conventional and pseudo-conventional coding just by seeing cobol code?
2 7047In dept 10, 5 emp sal, i want to do sum of dept 10 emp sal. Is there any othere transformation than the aggrator? if yes how?
5 9369we have tables like c1 a c2 b c3 c c4 x c5 y and i need output like abcx in a single row and abcy in a single row? how do u do this?
2 9115Post New Patni Interview Questions
Enlist some linux networking and troubleshooting commands?
How do I open a .cmd file?
How does the security of a block works?
Is c# an array?
What is the newest version of outlook?
How can we encrypt and decrypt a data presented in a table using mysql?
What is data structure and why we need them?
What is shadow copy?
Explain class constructors with example?
Mention what is the reversal pgi? Can you cancel the pgi and mention the transaction code for pgi?
What are the data sources supported?
Is dispatcher servlet a singleton?
Explain your approach to managing important projects?
How to define the name and server for a new dsn?
How to Create NonMaintained or .NDX indexes on dBASE Tables?